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Cleaning Florida's waterways and natural lands since 1993

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Current Problems Cleanup Team

With a small but dedicated team of crew leaders, we host cleanups, develop restoration and education projects and engage volunteers across the state- over 192 events so far in 2023 alone!!


Vice President: Ruth Steiner

Ruth Steiner is a Professor and Director of the Center for Health and the Built Environment. Her research focuses on planning for sustainable communities, especially for transportation.  Since 1980 she had been an enthusiastic recycler and composter. She routinely picks up trash when she goes for walks in her neighborhood.


President: Mike Byerly

Mike Byerly has served on our board for many years. His love of nature is reflected in many ways. He studied Zoology and Ecology, serves on several environmental non-profit boards, and can often be found kayaking. hiking, or photographing nature.

Interested in Joining our Board of Directors?

Please contact if you are interested in joining our team!

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